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- ?? ULTRA LONG COOLING EFFECT - Get mild smoking pleasure from your tobacco through the built-in ice hookah cooling cartridges. No waiting thanks to the 2 replaceable cartridges that come with the hookah ice hose. | ?? UNIQUE COMFORT HANDLE - Perfectly soft grip for maximum comfort and grip. Easy placement of the Ice hookah tip on smooth surfaces. | ? STRONG COOLING CARTRIDGES - Safe ice mouthpiece cooling cartridges that can withstand both transportation and extreme temperatures. No leakage and no more breaks thanks to elastic BAZOOKA hoses . | ?? STRONG AIRFLOW - Thanks to the perfectly sele
- 👌 UNIQUE COMFORT HANDLE - Perfectly soft grip for maximum comfort and grip. Easy placement of the Ice hookah tip on smooth surfaces.
- ✅ STRONG COOLING CARTRIDGES - Safe ice mouthpiece cooling cartridges that can withstand both transportation and extreme temperatures. No leakage and no more breaks thanks to elastic BAZOOKA hoses .
- 💎 STRONG AIRFLOW - Thanks to the perfectly selected diameter of ice hose tip, ICE BAZOOKA does not change airflow. Your smoking pleasure remains unchanged thanks to an optimized diameter
- 🏆UNIVERSAL HOOKAH ICE TIP - Our hookah ice hose fits all hookah hose with a diameter of 8-12 mm. etc. also AMY, Kaya, Smokezilla, Dilaw, Mata Leon, Aladin